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Lao Tzu for Everyone
Students, Scholars
& Seekers
Peter Gilboy, Ph.D.
Line 3 六親不和案有孝茲 Line 4 邦家昏亂案有貞臣
When the 道Way
is Lost
In the last lesson we saw a ranking of leaders, from the sage-leader to the tyrant, to leader whom the people ridicule. In this lesson Lao Tzu tells us why such societies deteriorate.
. . . . . .
Click on each line number
for Chinese-English interlinear
& commentary
Therefore, when the
great Way is lost,
then there are rules
for kindness and uprightness.
When wit and cleverness,
then many man-made
schemes are hatched.
When the family
is no longer harmonious,
mere formalities
are substituted.
When the country is
in confusion and disorder,
it is then that
'loyal' ministers appear.
. . . . . . .
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